The Complete Guide to Chat GPT/AI Tools For Your Sales Strategy + Prompt Examples

Incorporating AI into your sales strategy is often highly tempting for companies and sales teams. It seems like it’s this complete solution to automating every sales process and boosting your productivity to the skies.

It’s true that AI tools can be highly advantageous for your team when used correctly, however, it’s not a panacea that can replace entire sales processes. Even substantially integrating AI into many areas of sales doesn’t mean you should value human expertise any less. Human supervision and interaction remain essential components. 

With that in mind, this guide aims to provide in-depth insights on the best uses of AI tools in your sales processes without disregarding its limitations. We’ll focus on maximizing its potential while maintaining the human touch.

Let’s firstly discuss what steps of the sales process you can use AI for:

Competitor Research

Competitor research is often a time-consuming task, it involves large volumes of data and requires accurate analysis. Thankfully, this is what AI is good at. AI tools can identify trends, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities among your competitors.

You can use it to gather information from various online sources, including news articles, social media, and industry reports, and compile this data into comprehensive summaries. That way you don’t have to analyze all this information yourself, but get ready-made reports and summaries of the most important points and metrics that you can use right off the bat. 

This allows your sales team to quickly understand what’s going on in your competitive environment and adjust strategies accordingly. For example, you can prompt your chosen tool to summarize recent news about a competitor’s product launch or to analyze social media sentiment regarding a competitor’s new marketing campaign.


You can’t have an effective marketing strategy without effective prospecting. The great thing about prospecting is the opportunity for strict precision and hyper-targeting. AI tools can significantly enhance this process by its ability to understand and analyze filters and variables. 

AI can help identify potential leads based on specific criteria such as: 

  • job titles, 
  • industries, 
  • geographic locations, etc.

You can then make a list of the profiles found by your tool and add them to your CRM.

Once you have your prospects, you can then tell the AI to draft personalized outreach messages, tailored to the individual profiles of prospects, contributing to increased personalization on top of identifying high-value prospects. 

Here’s how you can implement AI tools for prospecting on LinkedIn:

1. Ideal Buyer Persona Description: Ask the AI tool to outline your ideal buyer persona based on your description of your product, industry, what problem you’re solving, etc. 

Let the AI come up with an ideal customer profile: what are their pain points? What are the major issues the prospects company is dealing with? 

2. Data Collection: Utilize LinkedIn’s existing search functionality so that the tool can compile a list of potential leads.

3. Personalization: Instruct the AI to generate personalized messages for each prospect, incorporating details from their profiles.

4. Outreach: Send the personalized messages to the prospects, monitoring responses and adjusting the approach as needed.

Content Creation

If you want higher reach and closer customer relationships, it’s important to look into content creation and social selling. These sales strategies help you build more meaningful connections with your prospects, establish your brand and position yourself as a knowledgeable figure and authority in your niche. AI can be a great resource to amplify your content creation efforts and simplify the process.

You can use AI tools to create a content marketing strategy prewritten months in advance and generate various pieces of content according to that strategy. It can generate blog posts, social media updates, LinkedIn posts, etc. and maintain a consistent flow of content. 

However, it’s important to note that while generative AI excels at creating well-structured and coherent text, it may lack the depth and nuance that human writers can provide. This point is especially important in this section since your content is essentially how your users and prospective customers get to know you; it’s how they view your brand and what they associate with it. So, to create a good impression on prospects, it’s essential to review AI-generated content and add your own human touch. 

After all, your users are here to stick around because of what you have to offer and your unique experience. Therefore, AI is best used as a tool to draft initial versions of content, which can then be refined and polished by human editors.

Generating Message Sequences

As another form of text content, message sequences are a great candidate for AI generation in your sales process. You can ask the AI tool to craft entire message sequences for LinkedIn, complete with an introduction (connection request), main messages with a value proposition and follow-ups. 

The extremely useful and handy thing about employing AI for message generation is setting the tone of your text. This way, you have fine-grain control of how you want to sound to your prospects to better resonate with them. You can also regulate how formal you want to sound and tailor your massages to either B2C or B2B outreach.

Prompt: “Generate a series of three follow-up messages for a LinkedIn connection request to a potential client in the SaaS industry, focusing on how our product can solve their specific pain points. Write in an engaging and compelling tone.”

Message Sequence:

1. Connection Request: “Hi [Prospect’s Name], I’m very impressed by your recent work at [Company] and thought we might benefit from connecting. I’d love to discuss how our solution can address some of the challenges you’re facing. Let’s connect and grow! 🔥Best, [Your Name].”

2. Follow-Up 1: “Hi [Prospect’s Name], thanks for connecting! I’d love to share some insights on how our SaaS product has helped companies like [Prospect’s Company] streamline operations and increase efficiency. Do you have some time this week for a quick chat?”

3. Follow-Up 2: “Hi [Prospect’s Name], I wanted to quickly check in and see if you’re available for a discussion about how we can support your goals at [Company]. Drop a message and get 1 step closer to supercharging your productivity 🌟Looking forward to your response! Best, [Your Name].”

Generating Copy for Email Marketing and Outreach

With the convincing ROI of email marketing, automating and accelerating the process with AI tools becomes all the more exciting. You can reap the rewards of a successful campaign while spending less time and resources on actually crafting it. 

In addition, AI can ensure consistency across your email campaigns and maintain your brand voice (it may even be a good idea to develop your custom GPT for this task — trained specifically on writing email marketing campaigns for your company. We’ll dive deeper into this concept).

Once again, considering all the time-saving benefits, it’s important to review and refine the generated copy to ensure it aligns with your brand voice and messaging. 

Campaign Effectiveness Analysis

You can leverage the sophisticated data analysis capabilities of AI and let it draw unique insights from the performance metrics of your marketing campaigns. 

If you want specific insights, you’ll need to input your data or summarize it in your questions. You can describe the data or just copy and paste tables directly into the chat. For a full picture, the more data you put in, the better; but it may suffice to input metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. 

Armed with this data, the AI tool can make correlations and figure out dependencies that are otherwise not-so-obvious. 

Here’s a concrete example:

Prompt: “Analyze the performance of our recent email campaign, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Provide insights on how we can improve future campaigns.”

Response: “The recent email campaign achieved an open rate of 25%, a click-through rate of 10%, and a conversion rate of 3%. To improve future campaigns, consider A/B testing subject lines to increase open rates, and incorporating more personalized content to boost click-through rates. Additionally, optimizing the call-to-action placement and wording could enhance conversion rates.”

This is just a mock example with minimal data, and you’ll get a much fuller response with more precise input. What’s invaluable about AI for metric analysis is that it can give you actionable advice and changes you can implement to increase performance purely based on the provided data. 

In addition, it can answer specific metric-related questions, like: 

“Based on this data, how effective was the subject line in increasing the open rate?”

“Can you help me interpret these click-through rates compared to industry benchmarks?”

The Pros and Cons of AI tools for Sales

It’s good to have a balanced view of new technology or a new strategy, and especially with AI, where it’s easy to get blindsided by the allure of this “almighty tech” and go head-first into AI implementation.


  • Efficiency

Today’s AI models excel at automating repetitive tasks, yielding significant time and resource savings.

  • Consistency

AI tools can analyze your company’s voice and ensure uniform messaging across various communication channels. With specific training on outreach templates and sequences, it can learn the patterns of your writing and apply them in your next campaigns. 

Feed it step-by-step instructions and examples of outreach campaigns for highest accuracy.

This consistency helps build trust and recognition among your audience, as they receive reliable and familiar communication from your brand.

  • Scalability

AI Can handle large volumes of data and communication, which contributes to growth without proportional increases in workload/ time investment.

  • Personalization

AI can analyze large numbers of variables and filters, which is great for creating highly personalized messages tailored specifically to each prospect. 

AI tools can make use of specific information available on prospects’ LinkedIn profiles , previous interactions, industry data, etc. to increase personalization in your outreach so that your messages resonate more deeply with the recipient, increasing engagement.


  • Lack of Nuance

AI often misses the subtleties and context that human sales professionals can provide. Sometimes its responses or generated text can feel a bit “cookie-cutter”, which may evoke an off-putting feeling for prospects reading such content. 

  • Dependence on Input Quality

The effectiveness of the output is heavily reliant on the quality and specificity of prompts. With more data, however, this issue diminishes.

  • Need for Oversight

This is the big drawback and one of the main reasons why you can’t just let an AI tool run uncontrolled in your sales environment. It requires human supervision to ensure accuracy, relevance, and alignment with brand values. On top of that, generative AI can sometimes provide false information, so it’s best to always double check its outputs. 

The Blueprint for Successful Implementation of AI tools in Sales

Implementing AI effectively in your sales strategy requires careful planning and execution. And if it’s your first time, it can be quite confusing trying to figure out what you should start with or what your next steps should be. This is why we’ve compiled the complete blueprint for AI tool implementation which takes you from the very beginning of mapping out goals to the end result, reaping all the benefits of AI within an established sales strategy.

1. Define Clear Objectives

Start your implementation journey by outlining what exactly it is that you want to accomplish with AI in your sales strategy. 

  • Identify Goals: Determine specific sales objectives you want to achieve with AI tools, such as increasing lead generation, improving email outreach, or enhancing prospecting efficiency.
  • Set KPIs: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure sales success, such as response rates, conversion rates, and customer satisfaction scores. Track these metrics consistently and keep reports.

2. Assess Your Sales Process

You can’t outline where exactly the implementation of AI tools makes sense in your workflow until you’ve written it down. It’s crucial to analyze each component of your sales process and assess whether it’s a good fit for AI assistance.

  • Map Out Current Workflows: Document your existing sales processes from start to finish.
  • Identify Bottlenecks: Analyze areas where AI could add the most value, like automating repetitive tasks or personalizing communication.

3. Select the Right AI Model

Depending on your specific goals and needs, you may need to opt for a model beyond the free plan. 

If needed, fine-tune your chosen model with your own data and industry-specific information to improve relevance and accuracy.

4. Consider Customized GPTs for Specific Tasks

Some tasks require more precision and accuracy than others. Likewise, some of your sales procedures may warrant dedicated, custom GPTs designed for optimal and reliable execution. 

Training your custom GPTs does not take a substantial time investment while delivering more accurate results than the standard model. Going this extra mile will also make you stand out amongst competitors, equipped with higher-quality and precise output for all your queries.

It’s generally quite straightforward to set up, and it becomes even simpler if you already have a dedicated IT team.

To get started, you need to:

  • Identify Specific Use Cases:

Determine the areas within your sales process where a specialized GPT could provide the most value. For SaaS businesses, this might include product demos, technical support, or complex customer queries.

  • Train your model: This is the crux of successful AI implementation, especially if you’re opting for a custom GPT. Provide reference data that your model can learn from and emulate in future tasks.

A specialized GPT can differentiate your sales approach, offering unique capabilities and insights that may not be available with general models.

5. Integrate AI with Existing Tools

  • CRM Integration: Ensure that your AI tool integrates with your customer relationship management (CRM) system to streamline data flow and enhance personalization.
  • Email Marketing Platforms: Connect your chosen AI with your email marketing tools to automate content creation and outreach processes.
  • Social Media Management: Integrate with social media platforms for consistent messaging and automated responses.

6. Develop a Content Strategy

  • Create Templates: Design email templates, LinkedIn message sequences, and other content formats that the tool will use as a foundation.
  • Provide Guidelines: Establish guidelines for tone, style, and key messaging to ensure consistency and alignment with your brand.
  • Generate a ready-made content strategy with AI 
  • Use AI tools to draft your content

7. Configure your AI tool for Specific Tasks

A model fine-tuned for task A is not going to be proficient in executing task B. That’s why it’s best to segment the model for specific tasks. 

As a few examples, here’s what you could do for different sales processes:

  • Competitor Research: 

Set up prompts for the AI to gather and analyze competitor information. Define the types of insights you need, such as recent news, product developments, or market positioning.

  • Prospecting: 

Develop detailed prompts for generating personalized outreach messages based on LinkedIn profiles and other data sources.

  • Content Creation: 

Outline content requirements for blog posts, social media updates, and other marketing materials so that the AI tool can produce relevant and engaging content.

  • Message Sequences: 

Define scenarios and create prompts for the tool to generate follow-up sequences and outreach messages tailored to different stages of the sales funnel.

  • Email Copy: 

Provide examples of successful email campaigns and set parameters for the AI to generate new email copy that adheres to these examples.

8. Implement Personalization Strategies

  • Data Collection: 

Gather and input relevant data about prospects, including their job roles, industry, and past interactions, to enhance personalization.

  • Segment Audience: 

Use AI to create targeted messages for different segments of your audience, ensuring each message is tailored to specific needs and interests.

9. Train Your Team

Effective training can go a long way when introducing a new technology or way of operation to your sales team. Educate your team on how to use AI tools effectively, including how to input prompts, interpret responses, and incorporate insights into their workflows. 

Establish best practices for interacting with AI tools, including how to refine prompts and review generated content. Taking the time to develop a training plan within your company will significantly ease onboarding and improve your overall productivity.

10. Monitor and Evaluate Performance

Keeping track of your most important metrics is how you measure success and forecast future growth. It’s how you know if your strategy is even viable or not.

  • Track KPIs: Regularly review the performance metrics established earlier, such as engagement rates, conversion rates, and feedback from prospects.
  • Analyze Results: Use data to assess the effectiveness of AI tools in achieving your sales goals and identify areas for improvement.

11. Iterate and Optimize

Now that you have a solid AI-backed strategy running, you can focus on optimizing your existing workflow. 

  • Refine Prompts: Continuously work on refining your prompts based on performance data and feedback to enhance the relevance and quality of AI-generated content.
  • Update Your Strategy: Adapt your strategy to reflect the changes in your industry. Once a sales procedure is set, it rarely stays 100% static, especially in today’s race for technological advancement and competition. With changing demand, user needs, and the development of AI capabilities, your strategy may change slightly, so be on the lookout for shifts in your industry surroundings and cultivate adaptability. 

12. Maintain Human Oversight

Human oversight will remain a crucial component in ensuring the quality and accuracy of AI output. Don’t disregard this step and have dedicated professionals overlook your AI progress.

  • Review Outputs: Regularly review AI-generated content to ensure it aligns with your brand voice and meets quality standards.
  • Give feedback to the AI model and adjust its configurations based on performance and the evolving needs of your business/ your customers.

13. Ensure Compliance and Security

Since AI tools are a third party service, you should be careful about disclosing private information and sensitive company data in your chats. Ensure that the use of your AI tool complies with data privacy regulations and that sensitive information stays secure. 

If this is an especially big concern for your company, it may be worthwhile to consider LLMs that run locally on-device.

14. Documenting Your Implementation

As with any business tactic you implement, documenting what you do will save you lots of time and confusion in the long run. You’ll be able to look back at your previous work and have reference points to build future campaigns and identify what you were doing right (when the desired metrics reflected success), and what could use improvement (when metrics were unsatisfactory). 

This helps refine your strategy and save the guess-work of trying every configuration to see what will work. 

  • Create Detailed Documentation:

Develop comprehensive documentation for your AI implementation process. This should include the initial setup, customization steps, integration procedures, and any specific configurations made for different tasks.

  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs):

 Establish SOPs for using AI within your sales processes. Compile guidelines on how to generate prompts, review outputs, and troubleshoot common issues.

  • Update Logs: 

Maintain logs of changes made to AI tool configurations and prompts. Document any updates or iterations to track improvements and ensure consistency over time.

  • Training Materials: 

Develop training materials based on the documented processes. Include guides, tutorials, and best practices to help onboard new team members and provide ongoing support. Be sure to update training materials with changes to your GPT models or with any tweaks to your implementation strategy!

We’re excited to share the best sales tips with you. Stay updated!

Content creator at Closely. I write about marketing & B2B sales. Welcome to our LinkedIn Sales Hacking Universe ;)