Mastering Cold Outreach in 2024: Engaging Email That Convert

Crafting a cold outreach email can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re unsure what to even look for, or what combination of email components will give you the best results. This guide takes into account the latest developments in cold outreach as of 2024, helping you design emails with the highest chances of converting. 

Let’s dive in!

Subject Line

Of course, everyone knows not to send an email without a subject line nowadays. However, too many still overlook its potential. The subject line is often your first—and sometimes only—chance to make an impression. It can either grab the recipient’s attention or lose them before they even open the email.

With inboxes becoming more crowded in 2024, standing out is crucial. Your subject line should be clear, concise, and relevant to the prospect’s needs.

Here’s a quick tip: Keep it short (around 6-8 words), and focus on what will pique their interest. 

Consider a subject line like, “[First_Name], See How We Increased Sales by 35%” or “A Quick Way to Solve [Specific Problem]”. These not only address the recipient personally, but also offer a compelling reason to open the email.

Personalization in the Main Body

Personalization is expected in cold outreach. Using variables such as [first_name], job title, or company location can instantly make your email feel less robotic and more tailored to the recipient. 

But don’t stop there. Mention something specific about the prospect’s company or an industry trend they’re likely to care about. In 2024, prospects are increasingly savvy and can tell when an email is just another generic message. Add an extra layer of relevance to avoid your email feeling like another sales pitch dropped into the “inbox void”, 

For example, instead of a broad statement like “We help businesses improve efficiency,” you might say, “I noticed your team recently expanded—our solution could help streamline communication as you scale.” This small touch shows you’ve done your homework and can lead to higher response rates.

Value Proposition

Your value proposition is the core of your cold outreach. Prospects want to know immediately how engaging with your solution benefits them. If you’re trying to actually convey the advantages of your solution, your value proposition needs to be specific, results-focused, and centered on the recipient’s business needs. Instead of simply explaining what you do, clearly articulate the impact you can deliver.

Avoid vague promises like, “We help companies grow.” Instead, be direct and actionable: “Our software has helped teams reduce operational costs by 20% within six months.” Numbers and specific outcomes make your email more credible and offer the recipient a tangible reason to respond.

Call to Action (CTA)

A clear CTA provides prospects with specific actions to take if they want to learn more about your product. Without concrete steps, prospects might understand your offering but not feel compelled to move forward, potentially delaying any decision. To prevent this, ensure your CTA outlines the next steps clearly and promptly, but do so in a non-intrusive, non-pushy manner.

Here are some effective CTA options:

  • “If you’d like to learn more, feel free to book an available slot here: [link] and we’ll be in touch! Let us show you unprecedented benefits during a quick call”
  • “Would you be open to learning more?”

Closing Sentence

Your closing sentence is your final opportunity to make a positive impression. You can either recap your message or suggest that the prospect forward your offer to someone who might benefit from it. A personalized line will also work.

Closing is not a necessary element to include, however, prospects will likely appreciate the human element.

A few examples:

  • “If you’re not the right person, please share this info with someone you know who might find this offer beneficial. ”
  • P.S. I really enjoyed your LinkedIn post about [specific topic]—it was insightful!
  • P.S. “I’ve enjoyed your LinkedIn posts! Do you have any recommendations for other accounts to follow for insights on [specific topic]?”


Plain emails and emails with images work equally well. However, following recent Google updates, we would recommend avoiding the use of any visual elements in emails altogether.


To achieve outstanding outreach results, you need to integrate an outreach automation tool.

Automation is a must-have of a modern sales rep. It helps you to put together all the needed data, streamline the outreach process, and enhance your strategies. Regardless of whether you’re a GTM team or product in its growth phase, outreach automation will save costs on manual labor. Outreach automation can significantly reduce manual labor costs. Choose a specialized tool that integrates all critical data and includes a warm-up mode to ensure your accounts remain protected.

Without automation of you email campaigns, it’s hard to even measure the success of your campaigns.

The effectiveness of your email outreach directly depends on your ability to analyze data and make informed adjustments to your strategies.

Opt For Multichannel Outreach

With Google rolling out new restrictions aimed at email marketing, this year marketers/salespeople must acknowledge the risks associated with relying solely on email as a primary outreach channel. 

To adapt effectively, you have to integrate email within broader, multifaceted strategies and multiple outreach channels. 

Multichannel outreach, combining LinkedIn and email, is highly effective because it expands your reach and boosts your chances of receiving a response. If a prospect doesn’t reply via email, there’s a good chance they might engage through LinkedIn.

Learn how to build effective multichannel campaigns in Closely 👇

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