Executing a Multichannel Prospecting Campaign in Closely: Top Tips

So, you’ve decided that you can reach your potential customers through LinkedIn or email. Great! However, it can be quite challenging to reach prospects, qualify them, and manage everything without a convenient tool. Closely is just what you need here.

Here is just an example of what you can achieve with this tool at hand:

But before we discuss how to launch a super-effective multichannel campaign, let’s first understand whether you should set up a multichannel outreach strategy.

Advantages of Multichannel Outreach

Increased Visibility: If a lead doesn’t respond on LinkedIn, there’s a chance they might see your message via email.

Greater Engagement: While reach is important, engagement is crucial. By using various channels, you can create a more interactive experience for your audience. Instead of just seeing ten emails in their inbox, prospects can engage with you across multiple platforms, increasing the likelihood of a response.

Improved Targeting: Utilizing different channels allows you to tailor your approach to specific audience segments. For example, reaching out to a CEO through email might be challenging, but a handwritten letter could bypass the gatekeeper.

Enhanced Customer Experience: Multichannel communication should prioritize the prospect’s needs. By offering multiple touchpoints, you can provide a more convenient and personalized experience, which can boost customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Challenges with Email: As an outreach channel, email has been facing roadblocks recently. With Google’s new anti-spam measuresgoing head-first into email is not a great option. Surely it’s still viable and effective, but spreading out to multiple channels guarantees far better performance.

Pitfalls of Multichannel Outreach

Resource Constraints: Managing multiple channels can be resource-heavy and time-consuming, particularly without a dedicated team or the right tools.

Inconsistent Messaging: A multichannel approach requires a cohesive strategy where all channels work together.

If you have an accessible email database, you should certainly include email step in your campaign, especially given the current anti-spam measures that make single-channel approach less effective.

Launching a Campaign

To get started, you need:

  • LinkedIn account

Make sure you have an optimized profile. If you capture the interest of leads, they will likely want to visit your profile, so ensure it looks professional.

  • A registered account with Closely
  • Understanding of your target audience

Go to LinkedIn, use filters to search, add to your audience list, and start building your campaign.

You can add the following steps:

  • Connection message
  • Follow-up message
  • Email
  • Post like
  • Profile visit
  • Find emails
  • Skills’ endorsement

The more steps you add to your campaign, the more touch points with your prospects you create. So, don’t be shy here: try to add different steps in different order. From our experience, campaigns that include post likes and profile visits result in higher reply rates.

Need assistance? Worry not, in this video you can learn more about how to build a campaign from the ground up in Closely: https://www.youtube.com/live/NKYtgErIfEM?si=rFMEXnn98dLqZqq_

Once the campaign is ready, hit Start and enjoy a fully automated process.

Find all campaigns in the main dashboard:

The only thing left for you to do is open your inbox and reply to the leads who have shown interest in your product.

Top Tips for Building a Converting Campaign

To excel in outreach, it’s crucial to adhere to basic tips. 👇

  1. Add Profile Visits and Post Likes: This adds credibility to your actions as leads will see that you interact with their profiles.
  2. Consider Adding a Skill Endorsement Step. This can be a good way to spark a conversation.
  1. Avoid Pushing Your Product/Service Before Establishing a Connection: Here’s an example of a connection message: “Hi {first_name}, I’m looking to connect with sales professionals like you. It would be my pleasure to connect and keep in touch. 🙂” or “Hi! I’m looking to expand my network. I’m a founder of [company_name]. Always glad to exchange ideas and chat.”
  2. For Those Who Reply, Consider Adding An Ice-Breaker Message: Not sure how to start a conversation? Here are some hints:

1.Hi! Thanks for adding. Let me briefly introduce myself. “I’m a [your_position] and [company_name]. We’re working with [add products you’re working with/projects you’re working on]. I’ve seen that you’ve liked a post by [name]. I find his/her works very insightful. Who else you’d recommend for [add skills that you want to hone]. Hope to get feedback from you! Have a nice day! :)”

2.Hi {first_name}, thank you so much for connecting and hope this day has started with a warm sunny morning 🙂 Just wanted to wish you a smooth week ahead and hoping that you family and colleagues are staying healthy and inspired. Kind regards, [name].

5. Include Product Mentioning: Eventually, you need to talk about your product. Try to link it to the context.


“Given your interest in the “3X Your LinkedIn Conversions” event, I assume LinkedIn is a primary lead gen channel for you. At Closely, we’ve developed an easy-to-use multi-channel outreach platform – you get LinkedIn, email and multichannel automation, lead export from LinkedIn groups, posts, events, in-built appointment tool (similar to Calendly), and in-depth campaign analytics – all in one place without a need to keep a software zoo. Don’t spend money on many tools. For example, with us, you don’t even need LinkedIn Sales Navigator”.

4. Always Add Follow-Up Messages: You can include free content like PDF guides. Even if a person hasn’t replied, you can offer to share recent research or insights. Ask if they want a free copy, and ensure the PDF title is catchy. Mention that you’re awaiting feedback.

5. When a Lead Replies and the Conversation is Positive but No Call Has Been Discussed Yet: Mark them as “positive” or “demo.” This helps you reestablish your connection and schedule a demo. Closely lets you do this. 👇

Sometimes, a conversation needs a little nudge. Marking prospects allows you to manage conversations more effectively and increase the number of demos. 👇

When a person replies, you’re prompted to proceed a conversation manually, that’s where you can use the aforementioned tip.

6. Use Analytics to Adjust Your Strategies: Thankfully, Closely provides accurate insights into your campaigns. 👇

7. Remain Consistent: To achieve outstanding results in outreach, stay consistent and reach out to prospects from different geographic areas and of different job titles. The broader your outreach, the better.

We’ve added an appointment tool for your convenience! Booking demos is now even easier. Generate, qualify, manage leads and book meetings — all within a single platform.

That’s pretty much all you need to know about effective multichannel campaigns in Closely. Stay updated!

Content creator at Closely. I write about marketing & B2B sales. Welcome to our LinkedIn Sales Hacking Universe ;)