Expert Tips to Write That Perfect InMail

There’s nothing quite like InMails for connections with professionals and prospects on LinkedIn. Unlike usual LinkedIn messages, InMails allow you to bypass the “connection request” stage and reach out directly to the recipient’s inbox. This “directness” is one of the factors behind high open rates and replies for this unique LinkedIn feature. 

There’s so much potential behind InMail — its personalized and targeted nature makes it a highly effective way to reach your target audience and actually spark their interest. 

But how can you craft the perfect InMail that resonates with your audience and actually drives them to take action? Not to worry, this article covers the 5 most important tips you can implement right now to make your InMails more impactful and effective.

  1. Maximize Personalization

There’s no downplaying the importance of personalization in making your InMail stand out. Tailoring your message to the recipient not only grabs their attention but also demonstrates that you’ve done your homework. To craft your message in a more prospect-specific way, you can implement the following variables: 

First Name: Always address the recipient by their first name.

Company Name: Mention the company they work for.

Job Title: Refer to their specific role or title.

Location: Acknowledge their geographic location if relevant.

– Industry: Customize your message based on the industry they work in; highlight the unique challenges of that industry.

– Groups and Interests: Mention LinkedIn groups they belong to or topics they are interested in.

– Influencers and Big Players: Refer to influential figures in their industry, whether 

LinkedIn influencers or big names in their closer circle. 

– Events: Reference events they’ve recently been to or that you’ve both attended.

For example, you could write:

Hi [First Name],

I noticed you’re a [Job Title] at [Company Name] and that we both share a passion for [Industry]. I recently attended [Event] where [Influencer] shared some insights on [Topic], and it made me think of how our [Product/Service] could help you [specific benefit related to their work].

With my experience I can see areas where [Product/Service] can drive significant improvements within [Company Name]. Would you be open to a brief chat to explore this further?

[Your Name]

This level of detail shows that you’ve invested time in understanding the prospect’s background and researching their pain points. Personalizing your message is a powerful strategy to make the prospect more likely to take what you’re saying into consideration.

  1. Consider Sponsored InMails

Sponsored InMails offer a unique opportunity to reach your target audience on LinkedIn with an extra degree of personalization and immersion. These messages are delivered directly to the LinkedIn inboxes of your target audience, offering personalization along with perks beyond standard InMails. 

You may want to look into sponsored InMails based on key benefits:

Real-Time Delivery: Messages are delivered only when members are active on LinkedIn, ensuring timely engagement and higher chances of opening and replying. 

Professional Context: Sponsored InMails have a more structured interface than InMails, and their uncluttered environment makes it more likely for your message to be seen. On top of that, it’s likely your prospect’s inbox contains more standard InMails, which helps your message stand out further. 

High Open Rates: Sponsored InMails have an open rate 166% higher than typical email marketing benchmarks, a reported by LinkedIn.

For example, you could use Sponsored InMails to send personalized invitations to webinars or events, or to offer exclusive content or discounts. This approach can be particularly effective for reaching high-level decision-makers who may not be as accessible through other channels.

  1. Don’t Sell – Provide Value

It might seem counterintuitive, but the most effective InMails are those that focus on providing value rather than directly selling. Start by acknowledging the prospect’s pain points and then offer a solution. Here are some tips:

– Identify Problems: Mention the specific challenges or issues the prospect may be facing.

– Offer Solutions: Clearly explain how your product or service can help solve these problems.

– Use Testimonials: Share success stories or testimonials from other clients, particularly those in similar industries or situations. You can even use success stories from their competitors, if those are available — this move is likely to “stir the pot” a little and nudge the prospect to consider your solution more closely. 

– Include a Compelling CTA: Whether it’s scheduling a demo, booking a meeting, or accessing a free trial, ensure your call-to-action at the end of your message is clear and enticing.

For example, you might say: 

Hi [First Name],

I came across your recent post about [Relevant Topic], and it struck a chord with me. I fully understand the problems you’re facing. At [Your Company], we’ve been working with companies like [Competitor’s Company] to tackle [Specific Problem]. In fact, we’ve helped them achieve [Specific Result], and if we work together, we can do something similar for you.

Would you be open to a quick chat next week to explore this further?

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Of course, as the prospect engages with your messages and the conversation continues, it will be time to find opportunities to sell and market. However, don’t do so blatantly and right from the start. 

  1. Support Your Efforts With Email Marketing

InMail is just one part of a comprehensive outreach strategy. Supporting your LinkedIn efforts with email marketing can create a more cohesive and compelling narrative. 

You can use free resources with lead forms or create a LinkedIn Lead Forms campaign to compile mailing lists, then upload the emails to your CRM. Design email copy that results in high deliverability and conversion (you can text your mailings by tuning one variable at a time) and use this multichannel outreach to complement your efforts on both platforms, 

You can use email to follow up on InMails, provide additional resources, or continue the conversation. By integrating these two channels, you can reinforce your message and build recognition of your brand and solution. 

To amplify your efforts, use outreach automation software: this will give you the competitive edge and let you reach out to more people en masse.

  1. Build Relationships with Prospects

Building relationships is the cornerstone for successful outreach on LinkedIn. If you really focus your efforts on forming connections with your audience over time, you can really amplify your outreach and sales efforts. 

Prospects are more likely to engage with someone they recognize or have interacted with before, so start by interacting with them! This doesn’t take significant time or resources if you have a strategy in place. Here are some ways you can build these connections:

Engage with Their Content: Like and comment on their posts to increase your visibility.

Join Relevant Groups: Join and engage in LinkedIn groups that your prospects are active in.

Share Valuable Content: Develop a content strategy with informative content that your prospects will find useful. Focus on actually providing valuable content and prioritizing quality over quantity. You can experiment with content type and find what resonates best with your audience: longer-text posts, short posts with infographics, videos, etc.

Personalized Messages: Send personalized messages that reference your past interactions or shared interests.

Most of these actions can be automated, saving you and your team the hassle of manually liking and commenting under every single prospect’s posts. It’s therefore advisable to leverage LinkedIn automation technology to achieve these rapport-building goals.

Closely will automate post liking and profile visits, letting you save time and resources on manual outreach.


Crafting the perfect InMail involves a careful balance of personalization, value, and strategic outreach. By focusing on building relationships, providing genuine value, and leveraging the unique tools LinkedIn offers, you can significantly improve your engagement rates. Remember, the goal of InMail is not just to make a sale but to start a meaningful conversation. So, take the time to craft thoughtful, well-researched messages, and watch your LinkedIn outreach efforts thrive. And who knows, your next InMail could be the beginning of a valuable new business relationship!

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Content creator at Closely. I write about marketing & B2B sales. Welcome to our LinkedIn Sales Hacking Universe ;)